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According to the American Psychological Association, “Psychologists help people of all ages live happier, healthier and more productive lives.” Through the use of various psychotherapy methods and collaborative treatment measures, my patients develop life-changing habits to help manage life’s various obstacles. Therapy sessions are designed to explore personal issues and provide patients with effective tools to help them live emotionally healthier lives.


With You Every Step of the Way

Your well-being is my ultimate concern. Therapy sessions are designed to strengthen your confidence, and assist you in the healing process that will help you on your path to wellness. Take a look at the services I offer, and get in touch with me today.

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Reading Glasses
Business Meeting


During the course of therapy, we’ll work to understand current problems and the many things that may be impacting your situation. If your are looking for understanding, resolution and a healthy emotional future, together we will develop valuable tools to cope with life’s obstacles.


Psychological evaluations can vary based on the need. Evaluations can be brief and used to help initiate treatment or can consist of in-depth psychological testing to help answer a specific diagnostic question.


El Dr. Veroslavsky ha estado en el campo de la salud mental por más de 15 años trabajando con niños, familias, parejas y adultos. El Dr. Veroslavsky tiene experiencia trabajando con problemas multiculturales, problemas familiares y problemas relacionados con la salud, y puede ofrecer servicios clínicos tanto en español como en inglés.


As a psychologist, my education, training and experience may be helpful to you, your organization.  Consulting with a psychologist can often provide you with a professional unbiased answer or guide you in a direction that may offer clarity, direction, education and more.


Louisville, Kentucky


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